Episode 11/12
Rob & Kimberly in first place
Dustin & Kandice Eliminated

Rob & Kimberly:
(Team Number 1)

Lyn & Karlyn:
(Team Number 2)

Tyler & James:
(Team Number 3)

Team Number One
Which team do YOU think is going to win The Amazing Race?

Lyn & Karlyn
Rob & Kimberly
Tyler & James

  • Tyler & James 54%
  • Dustin & Kandice 25%
  • Lyn & Karlyn 17%
  • Rob & Kimberly 4%

Who has been Philiminated?

Dustin & Kandice:

Erwin & Godwin:
Oh my Godwin! Can these two ever make a decision? Now, I really like these two as people... super sweet and always thinking of others before themselves. But there was no way they were ever going to win this race. They wouldn't take the risks, and could not aggresively pursue anything. But they ran a good race, and got more out of it than any of the other teams. So even without the big check, they're walking away feeling like they were still awarded a big prize.

David & Mary:
So the Kentuckies are out of it. You know, you only get so many second chances... and these guys got two. They just didn't have enough to get out of the basement though, so it's time for them to head home. They'll have stories to share forever though. I'd be really interested in how small their world will seem to them when they head back to their hometown. You just can't look at things the same after an adventure like this, and I bet these guys won't go back and plug right back into the life they left before this all started.

Peter & Sarah:
Hurray!! Stupid Peter is going home... and his arrogant attitude can carry the blame for their early departure. Sarah deserved better, but at least she realized what an ass this guy is, and will have no problem moving on without him when they get home. To the very end, Peter shuffled all the difficult and challenging things off to Sarah, and then did nothing but talk down to her everytime things didn't go their way. Although I'll have a lot less to talk about now that he won't be in any future episodes, I'm relieved that we don't have to fear what a million dollar check would do to Peter's already oversized ego.

Tom & Terry:
I was actually really hoping this would be a non-elimination leg after seeing Tom get in the ocean and drag their boat behind him just to finish. Come on, Phil! That deserves another try… right? Oh well… our energetic Tom & Jerry are out of it, and sadly things will be considerably duller now. Too bad they couldn’t have stayed around to continue to infuse some fun and energy into the remaining field of bickering, irritating, and oh-so-serious teams.

Duke & Lauren:
I'm so sorry to see these two go home... they were my personal sentimental favorites. But my gosh, you can only come back from so many mistakes... and tonight they were full of them. Being lost, broke, and taken advantage of by opportunistic locals was all just too much... and the combination finally sent them home. On the personal side of things though, I think they mended some fences. So they may not be going home with bigger bank accounts... but hopefully with a much better understanding of each other.

Kellie & Jamie:
Ladies, all the enthusiasm in the world couldn't help you two this time. We'll miss your synchronized clapping and cheering. Well, actually... not that much. But thanks for playing! And NEXT time, when you see a fellow team driving away in the opposite direction, pull over and find a map for goodness sakes!

Vipul & Arti:
Well, never underestimate the impact of a bad motorbike driver. These guys lost a lot of time when their driver took the long way on the way to the challenge (or more accurately, got hopelessly lost), and they just never could make it back up. Too bad! She was so much fun, it would have been entertaining to have them around for a while.

Balil & Sa'eed:
The victims of the first "surprise" of the season. They were mere seconds behind Erwin and Godwin, but it was enough to send them home. We barely got to know them, but sadly for them the race is over.


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Saturday, September 30, 2006

Standings Before Episode 3

Peter & Sarah in first place
Kellie & Jamie eliminated

Peter & Sarah:
(Team Number 1) So, as a team these guys are obviously doing well. Here they are, on the top of the standings, with a vacation to Mexico to enjoy when they get home. But as a couple…? I’m not so sure they’ll still be together by the time they have to opportunity to take that vacation. Was it just me, or did Peter seem awfully whiney and rude during this episode? He started passing the hat around when Sarah was dancing on her leg, like she was some organ grinder's monkey. And that whole Detour challenge didn’t exactly show his best side. You can design an artificial leg, but you can’t tie a knot? Are you serious??? And speaking of legs, why the hell didn’t he pack spare hydraulic fluid for Sarah’s artificial leg, or a spare leg for that matter? Isn’t that kind of his area of expertise? Peter, you are turning into a bit of a disappointment. Better clean up your act young man, or your Jaime Sommers is going to find a new Oscar Goldman.

Tyler & James:
(Team Number 2) I like these guys! They’re fun, attractive, easy-going, …and kicking ass in this game! It’s the perfect storm of reality contestant characteristics. You kind of want them to do well because they’re really into the race, but taking time to appreciate the experience of it all. They’ve still got their eye on the Beauties, but now more in a kind of wary-strategic way as opposed to a romantic-flirt way. Romantic-flirt is more fun to watch, but it’s nice to know that a couple of heads of blonde hair aren’t distracting these guys from what they’re here to do. If we’re lucky though, maybe the romantic-flirt side of things will reappear in and episode or two!

Duke & Lauren:
(Team Number 3) Not a lot of squawking or grumbling between these two, is there? That’s a good sign. This seems to be one of those teams that is fusing tighter together under the pressure of the race as opposed to splitting apart. They actually talk to each other in a nice tone, and work together well in the challenges. Who knew it could be this way? Do these two not watch reality TV at home? Do they not know that they are not supposed to be speaking to each other by now? But I admit, the calm between them is refreshing. As much as I love the drama, I’ve got room for a sincere father/daughter team on my shelf of favorites as well. They make me want to believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny all over again!

Tom & Terry:
(Team Number 4) These two actually surprised me! They seemed so flighty and all over the place the first episode, that I figured they would always be bringing up the back of the pack. But you know, as much as they are laughing and clapping and jumping up and down through each leg... they're also gaining ground and avoiding mistakes. And they will forever get to be the first real-live gay people that David and Mary ever met! Sadly, they lost their cheerleader buds in tonight's episode. They'll just have to cheer, squeal, and clap enough for both teams from here on out.

Dustin & Kandice:
(Team Number 5) Well, if it wasn't for that damn Mongolian hat that they misplaced, these two could have very easily been the first team to reach the pit stop this time around. Damn accessories... they're more trouble than they're worth. I think these girls are in a good place. They're physcially tough... hell, one girl got dragged and kicked by a horse and didn't even slow down. They are strategically tough... looking for alternate trains/schedules instead of assuming that staying with the pack was the only way to go. And they will constantly be underestimated because of their looks. Bring it, Blondies! You go and show them what a couple Beauty Pagent Queens can do!

Rob & Kimberly:
(Team Number 6) Ohhhh, man! This couple is a ticking time bomb. You know that if every time these two talk to the camera they bring up the fact that they're doing this to figure out if they are "meant to be together", that they are absolutely NOT. Guys, a little advice... if you've got to keep asking, then you already subconsciously know the answer, don't ya? But as much as we all know the disaster that these two are heading towards, we can't tear our eyes away... we will just sit there and watch this trainwreck happen. It's like the frosting on top of our little reality TV cupcake!

David & Mary:
(Team Number 7) So, I have a question. Every season a team shanghai's some good-hearted local to jump in the car with them and show them how to find one of these obscure locations on their clue. How the heck so these poor souls get back home at the end of the day? Don't they have wives and families somewhere, wondering where the heck they are? And Mary, it's bad enough that you nip at your poor husband night and day... but could you be a little nicer to the guy that gave up his whole day to help you, as opposed to sitting there in a pout while you wait for him to find a tractor to pull you out of a mud hole? Mary, you can go home now. Go on, limp on back on your twisted ankle and spare all of us your henpicking. Sadly, by the rules that means that David will have to go home too. But I think he'll be happy to climb back into the quiet and serenity of a coal mine after being verbally flogged during this race by you.

Erwin & Godwin:
(Team Number 8) I thought that these brothers would be one of the teams to beat, but they just don't seem to be firing on all cylinders or something. They seem to meander through each leg, kind of jogging to keep up with the pack, but don't seem to have any fire or intensity about the whole thing. Maybe they're still bummed about having their water pistols taken away. Hell guys, you got to shoot flaming arrows... isn't that a decent alternative? Pick up the pace boys, or you'll be heading home soon.

Lyn & Karlyn:
(Team Number 9) Ladies, the word of the day is "Karma." You couldn't be bothered to stop and offer help to Tyler and James when they were stuck with a flat and a broken jack, and then you were actually surprised when your car suddenly wouldn't start and you fell back to last place? Oh ladies, do you not understand how this universe works? Well you seem to be quick to point out what you feel all the other teams are doing wrong, but you might want to start with reviewing just how you two have been going about playing this game. Not well, I'll warn you... and you don't have any ground to give considering where you're sitting in the ranks.

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