Well, let’s do a quick recap of the last episode, shall we?
Our intrepid travelers discover that their next port of call will be Chennai, India. They must take a train from the pit stop to Hanoi, and then due to Vietnamese law that prevents airline tickets from being sold at the airport, the teams must find a travel agency to buy tickets to India.
Although the teams all leave at staggered start times, they all arrive at the train station to discover they will be on the same train to Hanoi. (Are we surprised? No, we are not.) During the train ride, Er/God, Kar/Lyn, and the Kentuckies decide to work together. They all share a map, and try and determine which travel agent is the closest to the train station, and make a plan of attack for when they arrive in Hanoi. Stupid Peter feels left out. He approaches the three teams, and offers to share information… because of course he is an all-knowing god, and implies that he know the best travel agent to go to. Before the teams can even reply, Stupid Peter walks off towards the next train car.
There he finds the Beauties, and tattles to them that the other three teams are working together. Because he too wants to know what it’s like to have other teams wanting to work with him, he tells the Beauties that they should work together too. More in an effort to appease him and make him go away, they agree. Stupid Peter feels smug, and returns to Sarah to share the good news… that the Beauties totally want to work with him, and it is yet another example of how great and admired he is. In the meantime, the Beauties wonder why the heck he wants to work with them, and figure it must be because he likes one of them – because of course in their experience, all guys like them.
On his way back to where Sarah is sitting, Peter stops by the three teams again, and asks them if they want to share information. Kar/Lyn says sure… and Stupid Peter smugly walks away without saying anything. The three teams decide to screw with Stupid Peter, and pull out a non-operational cell phone and pretend to call a travel agent and reserve tickets over the phone. Stupid Peter immediately jumps up and runs back to the Beauties to tell on them. He finds a passenger sitting near the Beauties and asks if he can borrow a cell phone. He then uses the fully operational cell phone to actually book airline tickets for real.
Hmmm… that whole little trick kind of backfired on you, didn’t it guys?
The train arrives in Hanoi, and teams scramble every which way to locate travel agents and buy tickets. After all their planning, Ed/God, Kar/Lyn, and the Kentuckies end up getting separated, and then discover that the travel agency they planned to go to on the train has actually moved location… and they all end up having to find tickets on the fly anyway. The Beauties and Sarah & Stupid Peter go and pick up their tickets, but end up getting a flight that will leave behind all of the other teams. Rob & Kimberly and the Models find and agency together, and end up getting the earliest flight out.
Once they arrive at the airport, the teams begin to discover that the best flight to get on is the same flight that the Models and Rob & Kimberly have booked. Ed/God have the same tickets from their agency, Kar/Lyn are able to change theirs, however the Kentuckies are not. The Kentuckies get a different flight, while Sarah & Stupid Peter and the Beauties decide to stay with their tickets, and try and get a faster connecting flight at their first stop. While waiting for the various flights to board, Sarah & Stupid Peter and the Beauties grab a bite. While sitting there, Stupid Peter launches into a mean imitation of the Kentuckies, while they are within earshot. Stupid Peter is awful… even Sarah is beginning to think so. (Oh my heck, woman… it’s about time!!)
Flights begin taking off. Sadly, wouldn’t you know it… Stupid Peter & Sarah and the Beauties ARE able to find a faster connecting flight. So even thought they were the last teams to leave Hanoi, they are the first teams to arrive in Chennai. Man, I hate how this show ends up working out for the teams that don’t deserve it, don’t you?
Once in Chennai, the teams are told to find an arts and crafts shop in Mallomar (or something like that). The Beauties are the first to arrive at Mallomar, but are forced to wait for the shop to open. Stupid Peter and Sarah arrive shortly after. When the shop opens, they receive their next clue and find out, it’s Detour time!!
This time, they have to choose between Wild Things, and Wild Rice:
In Wild Things, they have to don pajamas, and search through the forest to find out where the wild things are. Oh no, wait a minute… that’s my favorite children’s book. Nevermind. They have to help some crocodile wranglers move a miniature, docile, couldn’t-hurt-a-fly crocodile from one habitat to another.
In Wild Rice, they have to figure out how come every time you buy wild rice at the store, it always comes packaged with brown rice. Oh fine… no they don’t. They have to fill in some gigantinormous chalk-lined design on the scotching hot ground with different colored rice to match the design exactly as given to them on a picture. But I do wonder about that wild rice thing.
The Beauties and Sarah & Stupid Peter decide to do Wild Things. Stupid Peter & Sarah arrive first, thanks to a flat tire suffered by the Beauties taxi. Stupid Peter & Sarah have to put bands around the crocodile’s snout. Peter need not bother, because that crocodile can smell that he’s full of sh*t, and wouldn’t ever bite him anyway. Regardless, Stupid Peter once again just takes the position of ordering Sarah around and making her do it. After it is snout-bound, the crocodile is tied to a stretcher, and the wranglers, with Sarah & Stupid Peter’s help, move it to it’s new home, having to crawl over a wall in the process. While crawling over the wall, Stupid Peter snaps at Sarah to “Come on, sister!” We wish the crocodile would snap at Stupid Peter’s pretty face and mark him up a bit. Too mean? Well, I don’t like Stupid Peter.
Anyway, as much as we hate to see it, Stupid Peter finishes the task along with Sarah, and once again is sitting in first place. (heavy sigh) Their next clue tells them to take a bus back to Chennai, and locate a driving school. They rush to the bus stop, and just miss the first bus. Stupid Peter immediately turns on Sarah and tells her it’s her fault because she was so slow. Man, I hate Stupid Peter. Sarah just about breaks down, and Stupid Peter decides to toy with her more by calmly stating that he’ll just not trying so hard, since she can’t keep up. He goes on to say that it’s not important, and it should just be about having fun. Sarah tells Stupid Peter that she’s not having any fun. These two make my stomach hurt.
Meanwhile, the Beauties transport a crocodile, and catch up with Sarah & Stupid Peter at the bus stop. You can tell that Stupid Peter is pissed at slow Sarah all over again. At the same time, Er/God and the Kar/Lyn have arrived at the Detour and decided to do Wild Rice. They step out onto the scorching ground, do just enough to realize what a long miserable task this will be, and quickly decide to go crocodile wrestling instead. In the meantime, Rob and Kimberly have arrived and decided to do Wild Things. As Er/God and Kar/Lyn leave Wild Rice, the Models and the Kentuckies both decide to do Wild Rice.
On the other side of town, Stupid Peter & Sarah are the first to arrive at the driving school, and discover a Road Block. One team member must attend a driving school course, and then pass a driving test. Since it requires no physical effort, Stupid Peter of course offers to do it. He finishes the task, and gets their last clue that tells them to drive their driving-school car to the pit stop. They head off on their way. In the meantime, the Beauties have arrived, and dive into the Road Block themselves.
Back with the crocodiles, Rob & Kimberly, Ed/God, and Kar/Lyn, transport their crocodiles and head off to the driving school. In the meantime, the Models and the Kentuckies are taking an impossibly long time filling in their designs with wild rice. Really guys… you should abandon this and go do the crocodile thing. Trust me.
Stupid Peter and Sarah arrive at the Pit Stop and check in first. I curse under my breath. The Beauties check in shortly after. Rob & Kimberly, Ed/God, and Kar/Lyn all complete their driving lessons, and drive on to the pitstop. They check in as teams three, four, and five respectively.
The Models finally finish their design, race off to driving school, and make their way to the pit stop. They check in fifth, and are all shocked by their late finish. However, they are not last. That position is held securely by the Kentuckies, who after spending way too much time on the rice design, complete the driving school in the dark, and then finally arrive at the Pit Stop.
They are sad and beaten, and awaiting the confirmation that they have been eliminated. But… what’s this…? Phil regrets to tell them that they are the last team to arrive… but they have NOT been eliminated. This is one of those non-elimination legs. But this time around, instead of handing all of their belongings and money over, they are told that they can keep their things… but they have been “Marked for Elimination.” Hmmm… what does this mean? Well, I’m glad you asked. This means, that at the end of the next leg, if the Kentuckies do not arrive first, they will be assessed a 30 minute penalty. Well now, that’s interesting. Will it have an impact? I guess we’ll just have to wait until next time to find out.
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